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People are created for love. True, genuine love – like  the love a mother and father have for their newborn  child. Embracing love. Spoken love. Faces with eyes  expressing that you are simply a loved person.

To receive and give love is the most beautiful ability we  are created with. Why then, is there such a lack of love  in this world? Why do so many children grow up with  the feeling they are not really valuable, precious, worth  being loved? Why are our streets, working places, and  many homes full of loveless hearts andfaces?

Do you get true love in your daily life? Did your parents  embrace you and tell you that they loved you while you  were a child and a teenager? Sadly, many didn’t. With  lack of love in our own heart, it might be hard to love others.

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It’s very normal that people want joy in life. We are  created for that. Yet there seems to be a big deficit of  joy everywhere. Have you thought about how much  energy and even money we put into just being happy?  Small children are happy from the inside and out, very  naturally, so why do we seem to lose this pure, simple  joy when we grow up?

What gives you the best joy in life? What takes away  joy? Smart to think a bit about those questions, since we  all actually have this desire for true joy.

Maybe the most common reason to joylessness is broken  relations. Divorce. Abuse. Rejection. Loneliness.

Children who feel their parents don’t love them and  parents who feel their children don’t care about them.  Drinking, drugs, work and entertainment are very usual,  but still poor replacements for true joy.



Peace can be different things. Peace in the country means  no war is going on. Peace in our homes means we don’t  have ongoing conflicts. Then there’s something called  peace in heart. You may live in a peaceful country, but  still have no peace inside. Or you may have peace in heart  in the middle of many storms.

Together with love and joy, peace must be one of the  things we need the most. Nobody wants to live their lives  in a place full of bombs, warplanes and deadly fighting.  We are made for peace, not for war. And that goes not  only for the physical world. We also want to have peace  with people around us, don’t we?

Do you have peace in heart? What gives you peace, and what  hinders it? Are you a peace-maker? Would those around you think of you as one who brings peace into the room?



Who likes to be lied to? Who enjoys being deceived? No  one, whichever culture we belong to. We don’t favor  half-truths or people holding back information. We have an  inbuilt thirst for knowing the truth. In case of fatal accidents, relatives demand to know how and why. Patients want their  doctor to speak honestly, even if the prognosis is bad.

We are created for truth and honesty. Why is there still so  much untruth and deceit around? Lying is not a stumble,  but a deliberate choice to speak right or wrong. Everybody  has the ability to discern between true and false. Truth is  relieving and makes us free inside. Anything less than the  full truth leaves us with an uncomfortable feeling. How  precious are those people you just know would never lie!  Are you such a person?



People are created to be free. That is also stated in the  UN Declaration of Human Rights, which most countries  have signed on to. Yet, lots of people don’t experience  freedom. Different governments put limitations to what  people can say, write, read. Where they can move and  even what they are allowed to believe. Even in truly  democratic countries, freedom is not granted. Freedom  also includes not to be pressured by family members,  friends or social codes to think or act contrary to your  conviction. It would be interesting to know how many  people feel and think they are truly free?

Another threat to freedom is inner bondage, caused for  example by fear or guilt. How free are you? What limits  your freedom?



How many children want to see their parents be divorced?  Not many. What children want, is to see their mom and  dad be friends, clear out their disagreements, treat one  another kindly and be faithful all their life. How many  employers appreciate a worker who says he’ll stay on  duty for two years, and he quits after a month? Not many.  Faithfulness fits us, unfaithfulness doesn’t.

Is it difficult to be faithful? It can be. But true faithfulness  proves its strength exactly in challenging times. Special  situations may come when we have to say stop, but in  general, faithfulness is a choice of lifestyle that suits us  really well. Just imagine how much pain people carry  inside because of people who were not faithful. Maybe  you as well?



Do people need forgiveness? Some say they don’t. But  thinking we never need forgiveness actually means we  don’t realize that we are also a part of this world’s ‘Big  Problem’ – the problem of imperfection. Most of us don’t  kill people. Maybe we don’t steal either. We think we are  ok; at least not worse than average. Yet it will be hard to  live an entire life without ever acknowledging the need to  be forgiven – and to ask for forgiveness. Our feelings are  quite similar: when someone has hurts us, we appreciate  if they sincerely admit their fault, apologize and ask us  to forgive.

How would the world look if nobody ever admitted  wrongs? Never apologized, never asked for forgiveness?  Would we survive? How are you to admit wrongs, ask  for forgiveness and giving it to those who ask you?



The rest of this Passport to the Kingdom of Love will bring  in one of the most well-known people in human history –  Jesus Christ. If you for some or another reason do not dare  or want to read about him, you’d better stop now. If you are  bold enough and interested, please continue to read what the  Bible, the basis of Christian faith, says about the seven topics  we have talked about, and even more.

The first thing to be mentioned may possibly sound  dramatic, but even so: Christianity teaches that you were  created to be like Jesus. You were formed in his mold,  from the very beginning of history. The Bible states that

«everything has come about by him, and without him,  nothing is of all that is» (John 1:3). So the teachings of  Jesus and his apostles spell out that you – simply by being  human – have a clear connection to Jesus and to God, the Father, who created everything by his Spirit and his Word.



“’Let us make man in our image, in the likeness of us’.  Then God created man in his image … he created them  man and woman” (Genesis 1:26,27).

God was Father before he was Creator. As Christians we  believe that Jesus, the Word of God, has existed from  eternity in the same way as God the Father and God’s  spirit. God created man in His image to be family and  produce family. God’s first instruction to the human he  had created, was to multiply. God’s plan wasto spread  His own fatherhood through every father and mother on  this earth. Through abundant and expressed love from a  loving mother and father, every child should grow up in  the knowledge of God, and in that sweet, safe and joyful  atmosphere which always reigns in God’s heaven. 

We’re  back to the starting point of this book: Created for love,  joy, peace.

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The Bible teaches us that God is our Father. However,  God created both man and woman in His image. Adam  and Eve have equal value and a shared calling to receive  and spread God’s love to their children. Fathers’ love and  mothers’ love are different. The two parents, with their  specific differences, were supposed to complete one  another in giving every child the fullness of God’s love.

The lack of love in the families, and especially the lack  of fathers’ expressed love to their daughters in many  cultures, is a major problem, causing lots of pain. Since  it’s so common to grow up as a child and teenager  without experiencing dad’s embrace and his voice saying: «I love you, my daughter. I love you, my son», people are  not even aware of how devastating it is. But lack of love  is not a small thing!

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Think for a minute: How would this world be if every  child received all the father and mother love they wanted during their entire childhood and teens? Imagine that they never started being shy to receive or give hugs, smiles, loving words? Every street full of smiling, laughing, embracing people who – as the most normal thing of all – just spread out God’s true love? It would be Paradise. And that was exactly what God had planned!

Why is it not like that? Why can’t our politicians adopt a  law or present a plan to make us loved and loving, 24/7?  People have traveled to the moon, but we can’t change  the human hearts to love? Change of heart is what the  world needs, and that is exactly what Jesus brings. He is  the ultimate proof of God’s love, sacrificing His own life  in order to reconnect us with God.

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Faith, hope and love are three core values in Christian faith.  It is being said: «A person without hope, will die».

People need hope in their lives. But as years pass by,  hope tends to shrink. Hope for a better job, hope for  better life conditions, hope for better health.

There will be a time when we all face the point of no  more hope here in this world. Life is coming to an end.  Is there anyone who can bring hope in the face of death?

Yes, there is. There is One who faced the most hopeless  and painful death, being hung on a cross, who challenged  and overcame the power of death and destruction. One of  the most well-known verses in the Bible says: «Blessed  be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who  according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again  to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ  from the dead.» (1. Peter 1:3)



The saying goes: «All that glitters is not gold»? Gold is a highly valuable metal. However, many imitations, which look similar, are actually fake.

Statistically there are around 2.5 billion Christians in the world. Unfortunately, most of them are not true believers. Please don’t think that true Christian faith is found in every church building or every Christian school. If we assume all church members or everyone wearing a cross is a true disciple of Jesus, we may be very discouraged. The Bible defines who Jesus is and what it means to believe in him. To know the truth about Christianity, you should read that book!

Real Christians both believe in and practice the teaching of Jesus. They admit their failures instead of defending them. And true Christians love people – so they will love you!

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Some people easily accept that there is only one God, others don’t. Anyway, It is true that those who want to become true Christians, has to leave every other god behind – and there is a good explanation to that.

If you ask married women: «Would it be OK for you if your husband has just one extra love-lady besides you?» very few will say yes. We don’t share matrimonial love to anybody but The One.

What are the fake, competing gods of this age? Here are some: Money. Desire. Pride. Individualism. Self-focus.

Jesus Christ is a loving and very personal God! He is described as a bridegroom in love with his darling. Jesus paid the highest price to have her – alone. Those who embrace him as their only God, become his beloved, divine bride!



Imagine you come to an unknown crossroad. There are  two alternatives: One is a narrow, winding road that  seems to have plenty of uphill, while the other road is  broad, straight and plain. What, if anything, could make  you choose to take the narrow road? Exactly: If you  knew that this road leads to the place you want,and the  other one absolutely not.

We compared Christian faith to gold. Gold is not cheap,  but it’s still worth its price. To follow Jesus Christ is  not necessarily the easiest life. There is truly a price to  pay. Jesus said it clearly and simple: “Enter through the  narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way  that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to  life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13,14). Are you  ready for that choice?



Where do we come from? Jesus says we are created by  God, in His image, to be like Him. Why are we here?  Jesus says we are here to live a life in true love and joy.  A life with peace in heart. A life with truth, freedom,  faithfulness and forgiveness. Forgiven by God, so we  can stand righteous before Him – thanks to the blood  Jesus gave on the cross.

Where are we going? Jesus says: «I am the way, the  truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by  me» (John 14:6). What does that mean? It means that if  we want to reach Heaven and be with loving Father God  when we die, we must give our lives to Jesus while we  are here.

Everyone makes this choice, somehow. Some put it on  hold. Some laugh and reject. Some find the price too  high. And some choose that narrow road. This book is written with the hope that you will make

the good choice!

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